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cover Indian Spirit Festival 2019


Indian Spirit Festival 2019
Indian Spirit Festival is an electronic and trance music festival in the Eldena area of Germany, seeing psytrance fans making the pilgrimage from all corners of the globe to contribute to the holistic atmosphere.

A playground for the spiritual, expect arts, crafts, and yoga to be as central to the revelry as the music.

With attention focused on the more psychedelic end of the electronic and trance spectrum, previous artists that have played to the blissed-out masses have been Neelix, Vini Vici, and Infected Mushroom.

A special opportunity for colourful lovers of psytrance to relax, unite, and lose their inhibitions, Indian Spirit Festival's charming and inclusive vibe is why it's the most beloved trance festival in Germany.

This event is intended for Festicket customers.

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